Get direct language access for your mental health care
Here to help.
Direct language access to your mental health is not a dream anymore. Don't get us wrong, interpreting from English to ASL and back is a valid method of delivering mental healthcare. Direct language access is BETTER. We have several professionals and licensed clinicians to help you in your mental health needs. Apart, we are helping the Deaf and hard of hearing community to improve their lives. Together, we are advocates for a better Utah Deaf community.
Interpretation Referral
We may be "a small world" but we are strong
​Even if it's not one of us, we still want to get you the help you need. Take a look at our list of services and locations that we know provide ASL interpretation and are deaf-friendly.
We have an ever growing list
Your needs are unique. Your language preference is your own. See a list of providers that will be able to meet your needs​